It’s now been four months since we returned to Australia – I can’t believe so much time has passed by already!
I am thankfully more optimistic than I was when I wrote my last update, back in March. You can read it here.
I am happy to be back and feel no desire to fly off into the sunset. Of course, I am still a travel addict so we have plenty of travel planned for the next year 😉

Feeding rainbow trout at Salmon Ponds on our trip to Tasmania at Easter
Why am I feeling more optimistic?
There are a variety of reasons. We have become accustomed to our new lifestyle – I still dislike how much S is at school but we are both more accepting of it now. I think less about all the running around, although it has become very difficult now I am 37 weeks pregnant.
The kids are both going very well.
They are well settled into their kinder and school. It is amazing how well S is going with her new language and with English. I have been surprised to find her suddenly reading and writing in English despite the fact that she is learning those skills in German. She is already translating and speaking in sentences in her new language. She is still far from fluent, of course, but she is making great progress.
Z is also starting to read and write thanks to a desire to keep up with his sister. They have both grown up a crazy amount since we got home – it’s hard to believe they are only 4 and 5.
I am so so happy to be reaching the end of my pregnancy.
It has been a hard time for me whether we were overseas or back home, and I do think things will become easier once I am able to get out and about again without so much pain, even though a new baby will have its challenges.
Having only a week and a half to go maximum until we meet our newest little man also makes all the unpleasantness easier to deal with – it’s so close now!
My business continues to do better and better.
I earn enough to fund a great lifestyle for us here in Melbourne and it’s nice not having any financial pressure. I also think that this is a great time to take maternity leave as I am reaching a major turning point with the direction that I take in growing my business and I am hoping a break will bring clarity.
The biggest reason, however, is that Josh has a new job!
He recently left the job that he started when we returned and has a new one that is absolutely perfect for us. It’s doing programming work that he loves, 20 hours a week (he can pick when) and he can work from wherever. The pay is also great. It’s a six month contract so it won’t last forever, but we are very thankful for it right now!
He only started this job on Wednesday and is working full time until the baby is born, but it’s already made a big difference to me. Not having to do all the drop offs and pick ups and having him keep an eye on Z while I nap is just awesome.

My beautiful boys at my brother in law’s wedding
It’s also great to think that neither of us will be working full time for at least the first four months of our new baby’s life and, when I am ready to return to work, that we won’t have to make a choice of putting the baby in care and making our lives even crazier versus one of our careers.
I went to a few child care centres before this happened and honestly went home in tears. I forgot what it is like for babies. It’s great for older kids and Z loves his centre, but for babies, it just felt like a production line. I am glad that we should have some better choices now.
We have a lot to feel optimistic about.
I feel like we have made it over the bump that was bringing us down a couple of months ago and are now feeling more settled and content with our choices.
Now to get ready for our next challenge – baby #3! Joining us sometime in the next 11 days! It can’t happen soon enough 🙂
You can now read our 12 month update!
Tags: Living in Asia